Everything you need to know about NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)

NMN, or Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a popular supplement that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Scientific research on NMN is in full swing, and it is widely discussed in podcasts, scientific articles, and online communities. This supplement is often praised for its potential benefits for the aging process and improving overall health. In this blog, we share everything you need to know about NMN. We explain what NMN exactly is, its benefits, possible risks and side effects, and where you can buy a quality NMN supplement. 

What is NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)?

NMN molecuul

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is a molecule that naturally occurs in all life forms. This means that it is already present in our body and actively used and consumed by all our cells. NMN is an alternative form of vitamin B3 and is essential for the production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a crucial co-enzyme in metabolic reactions.

NMN naturally occurs in food products such as avocado, broccoli, and edamame, but the amount is too small to meet the increasing demand. For example, broccoli contains only about 0.25 to 1.12 mg of NMN per 100 grams, while the body needs a much larger amount daily. The exact required amount varies per individual, depending on age, health condition, and other factors. This makes it difficult to meet the need through diet alone.

NMN supplements are used to meet this need because they provide a concentrated source of NMN. By using NMN supplements, the levels of NAD+ in the body can be increased, which is said to help support metabolic processes and boost energy levels. This naturally raises the question: what exactly does NMN do? The answer to this is that NMN helps stimulate NAD+ production, which in turn plays a crucial role in energy balance, cell repair, and slowing down the aging process.

NMN functioning

NMN plays an important role in the body, primarily by serving as a precursor to NAD+. NAD+ is a crucial co-enzyme involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions, including energy metabolism in the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. As a result, NMN indirectly provides energy to the body's cells and supports vital functions.

An important role of NMN is supporting the energy balance in cells. It ensures that NAD+ remains available for the metabolic processes that produce energy, allowing the cells to function well and adapt to the body's changing energy levels. NMN also contributes to the repair and maintenance of DNA, which is important for cell health and reducing the impact of aging.

NMN helps regulate sirtuins, a group of proteins involved in the aging process, inflammation, and cell health. Supplementing with NMN can improve the function of sirtuins, which may have beneficial effects on lifespan and well-being. More information about how NMN works can be found in this blog.

NMN and NAD+

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a co-enzyme involved in various biochemical reactions that are essential for the functioning of our cells. It is important for energy metabolism, DNA repair, and regulating cell aging. NAD+ acts as an electron carrier in metabolic reactions, which means it transports energy from food to cells. This makes it an important component of energy production in our cells.

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) plays a crucial role in increasing NAD+ levels. It is a direct precursor of NAD+ and is converted into NAD+ in the body through a series of biochemical steps. Without sufficient NMN in the body, the production of NAD+ cannot occur optimally, which can lead to reduced energy production, cell damage, and accelerated aging.

The relationship between NMN and NAD+ is therefore of great importance for our overall health and vitality. As we age, the NAD+ levels in our body naturally decrease. This can result in reduced energy levels, diminished cell repair, and an increased risk of age-related conditions. By taking NMN supplements, the body can replenish NAD+ levels and thus maintain optimal cell health.

Who is NMN suitable for?

NMN may be suitable for a wide range of people who want to improve their health and well-being, especially those who want to boost their energy levels or counteract the effects of aging. This supplement can be beneficial for people who… 

  • Often tired and listless feeling and looking for a natural way to feel more energetic.
  • Being consciously engaged with anti-aging and want to optimize their overall health.
  • Engage in intensive physical or mental activities, where improving their endurance and recovery is essential.
  • Wanting to focus on improving their cognitive functions, such as memory and concentration.
  • Suffer from health problems that may be related to a low NAD+ level.

It is important to note that, although NMN is generally considered safe, anyone considering taking NMN supplements should first seek advice from a doctor or specialist. This is especially important for people with specific health conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and people taking medications that may interact with NMN.

NMN benefits

NMN offers various benefits, we will briefly explain these below.

  • Increased energy levels: NMN promotes the production of NAD+, which is essential for energy production in the cells. This can lead to improved energy levels, making people feel more energetic throughout the day.
  • Improved cognitive function: Research suggests that NMN may support brain health by improving mitochondrial function. This can result in better focus, memory, and cognitive performance.
  • Support with aging: By increasing NAD+ levels, NMN can help slow down the aging process by promoting cell health and reducing oxidative stress.
  • Better metabolic health: NMN can improve metabolism by optimizing mitochondrial function, which can help with weight management and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders.
  • Enhanced endurance and recovery: By increasing energy levels, NMN can help improve physical endurance and promote recovery after intense physical exertion.
  • Support of the immune system: By promoting cell health, NMN can also contribute to a stronger immune system, which helps in fighting infections and diseases.

Review of NMN by the EFSA

The dossier for the approval of NMN by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has not yet been completed. This means that the EFSA is still in the process of evaluating the safety and effectiveness of NMN as a dietary supplement. This approval procedure is intended to ensure that dietary supplements entering the market meet established safety standards. The approval process consists of a comprehensive assessment of all available scientific data on NMN. This includes studies on toxicity, possible side effects, and the overall safety of the supplement for human use. The goal of this process is to ensure that consumers can safely use NMN.

Although the exact timeline for the approval of NMN by the EFSA is uncertain, it is a promising supplement that is expected to be more widely available in the future, provided that safety requirements are met.

The European Union is lagging behind in the approval of NMN. In countries such as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and various countries in Asia, South America, and Africa, NMN is allowed as a supplement and widely available. In the United States, NMN has a special status. Initially, NMN was available in large supermarkets and drugstores, but the FDA has now classified NMN as a potential drug. This means that NMN is currently not officially allowed to be sold as a supplement in the US because its properties and effects must first be studied for use in diseases and conditions. Nevertheless, NMN is widely available online in the US, and the FDA has indicated it will not strictly enforce this. In short, NMN is legally available in more and more countries; it is now just a matter of waiting until the EU also officially allows NMN as a supplement.

Scientific research NMN

Scientific research NMN is in a growing phase, with the results so far being promising. Much of the research focuses on the potential benefits of NMN for cell health, energy metabolism, and the effects on the aging process.

  1. Aging process: Research suggests that NMN may help counteract the adverse effects of aging. Studies have shown that NMN can increase NAD+ levels, resulting in an improvement in mitochondrial function and the regenerative capacities of cells. As a result, NMN may potentially help in slowing down certain aspects of the aging process.
  2. Energy levels: NMN appears to have a positive effect on energy production in cells. NMN has helped improve the physical endurance and performance of animals, possibly by enhancing mitochondrial function and reducing oxidative stress.
  3. Metabolic health: Research indicates that NMN may have a beneficial effect on metabolism, which can help with weight management and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes. In animal studies, NMN was found to reduce insulin resistance and improve glucose metabolism.

Although these results are promising, it is important to emphasize that many of these studies have so far been conducted mainly on test animals. More research is still needed to fully understand and confirm the effects of NMN on humans. 

NMN capsules or NMN powder?

When it comes to NMN supplements, both capsules and powder are popular. The main difference between the two lies in the method of intake and personal preferences.

NMN capsules offer a convenient and accurate way to take NMN. Each capsule contains a measured dose of NMN, which is handy for people who want to consistently take the same amount. Additionally, capsules are easy to carry and swallow, making them suitable for people with a busy lifestyle.

NMN powder, on the other hand, offers flexibility in dosing. You can easily add the powder to smoothies, juices, or even take it directly. This is especially convenient for people who want to adjust the dose to their specific needs. However, accurate dosing can be a challenge without the right measuring tools.

In terms of effectiveness, there is no significant difference between NMN in capsule or powder form, as long as the dosage is correct. Both forms are effective in increasing NAD+ levels in the body, as long as the product is of high quality.

NMN from EnduraVita

EnduraVita distinguishes itself in the market of NMN supplements by providing products of high quality. Each product undergoes strict quality controls, ensuring that the supplements are pure and safe for consumption. Additionally, we provide transparent product information, so you know exactly what you are buying. This makes it easier to make an informed decision about which supplements best suit your needs. 

NMN dosage and usage

The usual dose of NMN typically ranges between 250 mg and 500 mg per day, depending on individual needs and goals. Various studies suggest that a dosage within this range is safe and offers benefits for energy metabolism and cell health. For people seeking specific benefits, such as improved cognitive function or endurance, a higher dosage may be considered, but it is essential to consult a doctor before increasing the dose.

Research on NMN suggests that a daily dose of 300 mg can effectively increase NAD+ levels and support cellular energy production. Moreover, this dose is low enough to minimize side effects. For those who are sensitive to supplements or new to NMN, it may be advisable to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it.

It is recommended to take NMN in the morning, preferably with your breakfast, to improve absorption. This can contribute to better energy levels throughout the day. Some users split their daily dose into two, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, to achieve a more stable effect. However, the ideal intake frequency depends on personal needs and the recommendations of a healthcare provider.

As always, it is crucial to consult a doctor first before incorporating NMN supplements into your daily routine, especially if you are taking other medications or have existing health issues.


NMN is a much-discussed and researched supplement that plays an essential role in the cell biology of all life forms. As an alternative form of vitamin B3 and a precursor to NAD+, NMN offers various health benefits, including supporting energy levels and promoting cellular health. Although NMN is also found in natural foods such as avocado and broccoli, the amounts are often not sufficient to meet the body's needs. This explains the popularity of NMN supplements. Despite the fact that EFSA's approval of NMN is still pending, it is already widely supported by scientific research demonstrating its potential benefits. With the right dosage and use, NMN can be a valuable addition to the daily routine.

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